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Now What
Seven in 10 of school shooter were under the age of 18.
Shool Shooting Database
School shootings sence 2000
43.2 million student borrowers are in debt by an average of $39,351 each.
Education Data
At public 4-year institutions, the average in-state tuition and required fees total $9,308 per year; out-of-state tuition and fees average $26,427.
Education Data
In 2020 the Median wage was $34,612.04
In 2020 the Average wage was $53,383.18
Social Security Administration
13 percent of fourth-graders tested at or above proficient in reading in 2019. 15 percent of eigth grade students tested at or above proficiency in 2019.
CBS Baltimore
In March 2021 FOX45 was notified that a student had passed only three classes in four years at Augusta Fells Savage in west Baltimore. The student had a 0.13 GPA and was still in ninth grade. With a class rank of 62 out of 120, they were promoted through the course levels.
FOX 45 news
Maryland's Inspector General confermed 12,000 grades changed from failing to passing over a five-year period.
Fox 45 News
In Baltimore City, just 7% of elementary students in grades 3-5 were proficient in math, 9% were proficient in English language arts and 16% were proficient in science. Another 8% of the city’s middle schoolers in grades 6-7 scored proficient in math, 19% in English and 12% in science.
Students at the high school level were found to be 15% proficient in science and 39% in English. Baltimore City’s districtwide proficiency was not reported for algebra and geometry assessments given at the middle and high school level.
The Baltimore Sun
Skilled work and trades are underrepresented curently in our society.
Many trade jobs sit empty
High school senior go from haveing to ask to take a dump to signing a non negotiable promise to the govenment that we will pay off all the cost of our education. We have to promise before we even know the teacher or their "teaching" style. Before we understand how we got here and where we are going we sign. We have no say in how the class is taught we have no athority over our education.
There is a mirage over our education system. Kids are "passing class" but what are they learning. Who is making sure that the student truely understands.
The students need to be responsible and understand why learning math, and writing is important. That the posiblities are out of this world, through education.
So What
Place yourself in the students shoes. You were them once. Imagine the fear. The fear that at any moment your life could be at threat, while you are trying to learn, socialize, and grow. At any moment you, or your brother or sister could could be shot. That you may have to act, full of cuorage because if you dont act... who will. This is not a game. THIS IS UNACEPTABLE.
Somehow people under the age of 18 are getting there hands on a gun. through the neglagence of an adult.
The only way to better ourselves is to expore and ask questions.
These are your children. The future of this planet.
We have to save ourselves. Do not let anyone tell you
"Because I said so"
" Thats life "
" you are weak "
We Are Strong. We are here. We are living life and changing lives. We are able. WE WILL
We act, we stand up and do our best and do what is right because if you dont, who will. you are the example , you are the actor, you are change.
Day to day
- Talk back. Do not be silent. Question authority
- I will create an education reform. For Baltimore I will create a win-win situation students go to school they learn, eat, and socialize in a safe environment. The teacher will be paid based on attendance and…..
Teachers will hopefully be able to communicate with students who do not attend school and encourage them to attend. Hopefully, through open discussion, both students and teachers can benefit from shared input. If both sides want the same thing then working together will benefit both parties.
- Insentivises students to attend school and to graduate. Money for completing classes/grades, Free Food, Free school supllys, Ask the students what they want.
- Invest in the future of America.
- People want to learn, Listen to the students they know what works and does not. The sudent wants to learn, but has to be heard
- Talk communicate Say the hard stuff.
- Learn as much as you much as posible, about many subjects, from different points of view.
- Learn because it is fun and because you have the ability. You have the ability to learn without barriers.
- You also have the ability to create within your own hand, without the need to be told what to create.
better schools for everyone
Free college for everyone
End homelessness, urge schools and churches to open what
spare space they have to those who are in need.Given shelter and s stable environment people will be able to obtain employment or study during the day.
Online federal school that grants access to education and information to anyone with an internet or phone signal. The school can be paused and continued at any time. Vital skills and knowledge will be judged by multiple rigorous tests.
Go to comunity college, seek out trades.
CCBC Skilled-Trade
Mike Rowe Works
Run for goverrnment. who is a better candate than you. Do not give up on what america needs.
- age to be senator